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L to R: Koena, Vanessa, Sabrina, Barb, Trish (in for Nancy),Carlene, Debbie & Lisa

Congratulations to our 2024-2025
Board of Directors

Vanessa Liesen - Co-President
Koena Tapscott - Co-President
Sabrina Mack - President Elect
Lisa Roman - Treasurer
Carlene Howard - Asst. Treasurer/Soroptimist of the Year 
Nancy Bellomy - Recording Secretary
Barb Adams - Corresponding Secretary
Debbie Harris - 1 Year Delegate
Lisa Jennings - 2 Year Delegate
Ann Holmgreen - Director  

Come Join Us and Have Fun


Soroptimist International is a global volunteer organization, founded in 1921 in Oakland, CA, that provides women and girls with access to the education and training they need to achieve economic empowerment. Soroptimist translates to "that which is best for women".

Members of Soroptimist International of Lake Havasu City are active all year long giving back to our beautiful community. We are a non-profit organization (501(c)(3)) that relies on individuals attending our events, private donations, business support and foundation grants. Please consider joining our club, or participating in our fundraising events and activities. Meet new friends, have fun and join us in supporting local women and girls. 

Charitable Fundraising Events & Activities
  • Charity Poker Tournament:  Feeling lucky, charitable or just want to have some fun? Come join us on Saturday, December 7, 2024 at McKee's Pub & Grill. Tournament starts at Noon. More details coming soon.  
  • Southwest Chowderfest:  Launched in 2021, this annual event has quickly become our largest and most popular fundraiser. This year, we are excited to be partnering with CFEL (Chamber Foundation for Education & Leadership) to co-sponsor this event. Mark your calendars to join us on Saturday, March 8, 2025 for the 4th Annual Southwest Chowderfest. Details soon at

  • Swing for Soroptimists Golf Tournament:  What a perfect time of year to be on the golf course in Lake Havasu while supporting our club's mission. Save the date for Saturday, March 29, 2025.  More details coming soon. 
  • Arizona Tax Credit:  Soroptimist International of Lake Havasu City is a Qualified Charitable Organization (AZ Department of revenue QCO Code #22255).  Your donation helps fund grants to local low-income women who are head of household pursuing post high school education or training.  It helps them meet their immediate needs.  Consult your tax advisor to confirm details and applicability to your situation, if interested. 
  • Dream Maker Jars: Our club supports our region by collecting "change" and small donations in Dream Jars. Club members pool their funds in May and the club presents the total amount raised at the Golden West Region spring conference. These small amounts, when pooled together from 900 club members across the region, allow the region to award thousands of dollars to women and girls. 
Dream It, Be It Programs
  • Junior High Heels Seminar:  Moving from grade school to middle school can be difficult. To ease this transition, 6th grade girls from Lake Havasu City schools are invited to Thunderbolt Middle School for a ½ day. They are given a tour of the school, participate in team building activities, create vision boards, and they meet girls from across the city. This annual event is normally held in March.


  • S-Club:  Soroptimist sponsors and guides the S-Club at the Lake Havasu High School throughout the school year. Club members learn the value of empowering others, how to manage and run a club, and help support Soroptimist events.
  • Foster Children's Shower:  Each year, Soroptimist sponsors an annual Foster Children's Shower to provide support to the brave women who take on the challenge of a foster child.
  • Community Service Day:  Each year, Soroptimist club members donate a day of community service.
  • UpliftHER Program:  New this year! To support financial independence for women, in October, our club donated professional dress clothes and accessories to the Clothes Closet to be distributed to local women in need. Additional events will be coming as part of the UpliftHER program.   

2025 Holiday Flannel Party

SI of Lake Havasu City members and guests enjoyed a fun-filled evening celebrating the holiday season at the London Bridge Resort on December 19. 
2025 Christmas Party

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